Robin at the Door
“During a very hard winter some years back we had a period of frost and snow for at least two weeks. Every day my work consisted of feeding cattle from a shed where meals and fodder were stored.
A robin came to the door at the start of that period in search of food and I got into the habit of feeding it each day to the extent that he became a pet of sorts. But when the cold snap passed and spring was in the air the robin stopped his daily visits. I’m not sure what became of him but I do know he gave me the inspiration to write this tune.”
An Spideoigín ag an Doras
“Cúpla bliain ó shin bhí geimhreadh dian ann agus lean an sneachta agus an sioc ar feadh coicíse ar a laghad. Gach lá dheininn na beithígh a chothú ó scioból ina raibh min agus féar tirim ar stóras.
Tháinig spideog ’dtí an doras i dtosach an ama sin ar thóir bídh agus bhí sé de bhéas agam, é féin a chothú gach lá, go dtí go raibh sé ar nós peata agam. Nuair a bhris an aimsir agus le teacht an earraigh stad an spideog de bheith ar cuairt. Nílim cinnte cad a bhain do ach táim cinnte gur spreag sé mé le tabhairt faoin bport seo.”
Click to listen to the tune:
If you can’t see the score, get the Sibelius Scorch plug-in here. Created using Sibelius.