Farewell to the Corncrake Jig

Farewell to the Corncrake

“In my youth the call of the corncrake during the long summer nights was a very common sound throughout the locality.  In recent years the corncrake has become extinct in this part of the country and can only be found in counties further north.  I composed this tune in remembrance of their time here.”

 Slán leis an dTraonach

“Le linn m’óige ba mhinic a chloistí glaoch an traonaigh ar fuaid na dúthaí le linn oícheanta fada an tsamhraidh.  Le blianta deireanacha anuas, tá an traonach imithe i léig sa taobh seo tíre agus gan teacht air ach i gcontaetha an tuaiscirt amháin.  Chumas an port seo i gcuimhne ar an am a bhí sé inár measc anseo.”

Click to listen to the tune:

Farewell to the Corncrake


Interactive Score:

If you can’t see the score, get the Sibelius Scorch plug-in here. Created using Sibelius.